
Saturday, June 4, 2016

Learn computer programming for free

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Learn to Code:

Programming, learning how to code and then applying that knowledge is becoming the most soughed after thing these days. You can also learn to code through the following resources:
  1. Codecademy : A great way to get started specially for webdevelopers.
  2. Khan Academy:Great resource for learning about vast subjects including coding. 
There are many places where you can show your work like and get more work. 


  1. Its not gonna happen overnight so give yourself time to learn. Mark Zuckerberg has an IQ of 150 and perfect SAT score but it took facebook to become what it is in 12 years.
  2. Persistence is the key.Its hard but doable so dont let your self-doubt stand in your way. Whenever you need inspiration, watch this video
Get creative, get going. God speed.

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